Monday, November 26, 2012

Mahakavi Surdas - सूरदास की रचनायें

जीवन परिचय

हिन्ढी साहित्य में कृष्ण-भक्ति की अजस्र धारा को प्रवाहित करने वाले भक्त कवियों में महाकवि सूरदास का नाम अग्रणी है। उनका जन्म १४७८ ईस्वी में मथुरा आगरा मार्ग के किनारे स्थित रुनकता नामक गांव में हुआ। 

सूरदास के पिता रामदास गायक थे। सूरदास के जन्मांध होने के विषया में मतभेद है। प्रारंभ में सूरदास आगरा के समीप गऊघाट पर रहते थे। वहीं उनकी भेंट श्री वल्लभाचार्य से हुई और वे उनके शिष्य बन गए। वल्लभाचार्य ने उनको पुष्टिमार्ग में दीक्षित कर के कृष्णलीला के पद गाने का आदेश दिया। अष्टछाप कवियों में एक । सूरदास की मृत्यु गोवर्धन के निकट पारसौली ग्राम में १५८० ईस्वी में हुई। 


सूरदास की रचनायें और जीवन परिचय जन्म

सूरदास की जन्मतिथि एवं जन्मस्थान के विषय में विद्वानों में मतभेद है। "साहित्य लहरी' सूर की लिखी रचना मानी जाती है। इसमें साहित्य लहरी के रचना-काल के सम्बन्ध में निम्न पद मिलता है -

मुनि पुनि के रस लेख।
दसन गौरीनन्द को लिखि सुवल संवत् पेख ।।

इसका अर्थ विद्वानों ने संवत् १६०७ वि० माना है, अतएव "साहित्य लहरी' का रचना काल संवत् १६०७ वि० है। इस ग्रन्थ से यह भी प्रमाण मिलता है कि सूर के गुरु श्री बल्लभाचार्य थे।

सूरदास का जन्म सं० १५३५ वि० के लगभग ठहरता है, क्योंकि बल्लभ सम्प्रदाय में ऐसी मान्यता है कि बल्लभाचार्य सूरदास से दस दिन बड़े थे और बल्लभाचार्य का जन्म उक्त संवत् की वैशाख् कृष्ण एकादशी को हुआ था। इसलिए सूरदास की जन्म-तिथि वैशाख शुक्ला पंचमी, संवत् १५३५ वि० समीचीन जान पड़ती है। अनेक प्रमाणों के आधार पर उनका मृत्यु संवत् १६२० से १६४८ वि० के मध्य स्वीकार किया जाता है।

रामचन्द्र शुक्ल जी के मतानुसार सूरदास का जन्म संवत् १५४० वि० के सन्निकट और मृत्यु संवत् १६२० वि० के आसपास माना जाता है।

श्री गुरु बल्लभ तत्त्व सुनायो लीला भेद बतायो।
सूरदास की आयु "सूरसारावली' के अनुसार उस समय ६७ वर्ष थी। 'चौरासी वैष्णव की वार्ता' के आधार पर उनका जन्म रुनकता अथवा रेणु का क्षेत्र (वर्तमान जिला आगरान्तर्गत) में हुआ था। मथुरा और आगरा के बीच गऊघाट पर ये निवास करते थे। बल्लभाचार्य से इनकी भेंट वहीं पर हुई थी। "भावप्रकाश' में सूर का जन्म स्थान सीही नामक ग्राम बताया गया है। वे सारस्वत ब्राह्मण थे और जन्म के अंधे थे। "आइने अकबरी' में (संवत् १६५३ वि०) तथा "मुतखबुत-तवारीख' के अनुसार सूरदास को अकबर के दरबारी संगीतज्ञों में माना है।

जन्म स्थान

अधिक विद्वानों का मत है कि सूर का जन्म सीही नामक ग्राम में एक निर्धन सारस्वत ब्राह्मण परिवार में हुआ था। बाद में ये आगरा और मथुरा के बीच गऊघाट पर आकर रहने लगे थे।

खंजन नैन रुप मदमाते ।
अतिशय चारु चपल अनियारे,
पल पिंजरा न समाते ।।
चलि - चलि जात निकट स्रवनन के,
उलट-पुलट ताटंक फँदाते ।
"सूरदास' अंजन गुन अटके,
नतरु अबहिं उड़ जाते ।।

क्या सूरदास अंधे थे ?

सूरदास श्रीनाथ भ की "संस्कृतवार्ता मणिपाला', श्री हरिराय कृत "भाव-प्रकाश", श्री गोकुलनाथ की "निजवार्ता' आदि ग्रन्थों के आधार पर, जन्म के अन्धे माने गए हैं। लेकिन राधा-कृष्ण के रुप सौन्दर्य का सजीव चित्रण, नाना रंगों का वर्णन, सूक्ष्म पर्यवेक्षणशीलता आदि गुणों के कारण अधिकतर वर्तमान विद्वान सूर को जन्मान्ध स्वीकार नहीं करते।

श्यामसुन्दरदास ने इस सम्बन्ध में लिखा है - ""सूर वास्तव में जन्मान्ध नहीं थे, क्योंकि श्रृंगार तथा रंग-रुपादि का जो वर्णन उन्होंने किया है वैसा कोई जन्मान्ध नहीं कर सकता। डॉक्टर हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी ने लिखा है - ""सूरसागर के कुछ पदों से यह ध्वनि अवश्य निकलती है कि सूरदास अपने को जन्म का अन्धा और कर्म का अभागा कहते हैं, पर सब समय इसके अक्षरार्थ को ही प्रधान नहीं मानना चाहिए।

सूरदास जी द्वारा लिखित पाँच ग्रन्थ बताए जाते हैं -

१ सूरसागर
२ सूरसारावली
३ साहित्य-लहरी
४ नल-दमयन्ती
५ ब्याहलो

सूरदासजी की रचना 

व्रजमंडल आनंद भयो

व्रजमंडल आनंद भयो प्रगटे श्री मोहन लाल।
ब्रज सुंदरि चलि भेंट लें हाथन कंचन थार॥
जाय जुरि नंदराय के बंदनवार बंधाय।
कुंकुम के दिये साथीये सो हरि मंगल गाय॥
कान्ह कुंवर देखन चले हरखित होत अपार।
देख देख व्रज सुंदर अपनों तन मन वार॥
जसुमति लेत बुलाय के अंबर दिये पहराय।
आभूषण बहु भांति के दिये सबन मनभाय॥
दे आशीष घर को चली, चिरजियो कुंवर कन्हाई।
सूर श्याम विनती करी, नंदराय मन भाय॥

(आछे मेरे) लाल हो, ऐसी आरि न कीजै 

(आछे मेरे) लाल हो, ऐसी आरि न कीजै ।
मधु-मेवा-पकवान-मिठाई जोइ भावै सोइ लीजै ॥
सद माखन घृत दह्यौ सजायौ, अरु मीठौ पय पीजै ।
पा लागौं हठ अधिक करौ जनि, अति रिस तैं तन छीजै ॥
आन बतावति, आन दिखावति, बालक तौ न पतीजै ।
खसि-खसि परत कान्ह कनियाँ तैं, सुसुकि-सुसुकि मन खीजै ॥
जल -पुटि आनि धर्‌यौ आँगन मैं, मोहन नैकु तौ लीजै ।
सूर स्याम हठी चंदहि माँगै, सु तौ कहाँ तैं दीजै ॥

रे मन मूरख, जनम गँवायौ

रे मन मूरख, जनम गँवायौ।
करि अभिमान विषय-रस गीध्यौ, स्याम सरन नहिं आयौ॥
यह संसार सुवा-सेमर ज्यौं, सुन्दर देखि लुभायौ।
चाखन लाग्यौ रुई गई उडि़, हाथ कछू नहिं आयौ॥
कहा होत अब के पछिताऐं, पहिलैं पाप कमायौ।
कहत सूर भगवंत भजन बिनु, सिर धुनि-धुनि पछितायौ॥

विषय रस में जीवन बिताने पर अंत समय में जीव को बहुत पश्चाताप होता है। इसी का विवरण इस पद के माध्यम से किया गया है। सूरदास कहते हैं - अरे मूर्ख मन! तूने जीवन खो दिया। अभिमान करके विषय-सुखों में लिप्त रहा, श्यामसुन्दर की शरण में नहीं आया। तोते के समान इस संसाररूपी सेमर वृक्ष के फल को सुन्दर देखकर उस पर लुब्ध हो गया। परन्तु जब स्वाद लेने चला, तब रुई उड़ गयी (भोगों की नि:सारता प्रकट हो गयी,) तेरे हाथ कुछ भी (शान्ति, सुख, संतोष) नहीं लगा। अब पश्चाताप करने से क्या होता है, पहले तो पाप कमाया (पापकर्म किया) है। सूरदास जी कहते हैं- भगवान् का भजन न करने से सिर पीट-पीटकर (भली प्रकार) पश्चात्ताप करता है। 

आँगन मैं हरि सोइ गए री

आँगन मैं हरि सोइ गए री ।
दोउ जननी मिलि कै हरुऐं करि सेज सहित तब भवन लए री ॥
नैकु नहीं घर मैं बैठत हैं, खेलहि के अब रंग रए री ।
इहिं बिधि स्याम कबहुँ नहिं सोए बहुत नींद के बसहिं भए री ॥
कहति रोहिनी सोवन देहु न, खेलत दौरत हारि गए री ।
सूरदास प्रभु कौ मुख निरखत हरखत जिय नित नेह नए री ॥

भावार्थ :--`सखी ! श्याम आँगन में ही सो गये । दोनों माताओं (श्रीरोहिणी जी और यशोदा जी) ने मिलकर धीरे से (सँभालकर) पलंग सहित उठाकर उन्हें घर के भीतर कर लिया।' (माता कहने लगीं -)`अब मोहन तनिक भी घर में नहीं बैठते; खेलने के ही रंग में रँगे रहते (खेलने की ही धुन में रहते) हैं । श्यामसुन्दर इस प्रकार कभी नहीं सोये । (आज तो) सखी! निद्रा के बहुत अधिक वश में हो गये (बड़ी गाढ़ी नींद में सो गये ) (यह सुन के) माता रोहिणी कहने लगीं -`खेलने में दौड़ते-दौड़ते थक गये हैं, अब इन्हें सोने दो न ।' सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि मेरे स्वामी के मुख का दर्शन करने से प्राण हर्षित होते हैं और नित्य नवीन अनुराग होता रहता है ।

Sunday, November 18, 2012

MUST SEE 101 places in India

If you are visiting India, you must see following places to complete your expedition to India/Bharat



1 - Amarnath
Amarnath is one of the most famous Hindu temples located in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is believed to be over 5000 years old and houses an naturally formed ice shivling and attracts thousands of devotees during the 45 days of annual pilgrimage.
"OM NAMAH SHIVAYY" - Amarnath Cave

2 - Badrinath
Situated 297 kms from the holy town of Rishikesh at an altitude of 3,133 m above sea-level, Badrinath is considered to be amongst the most pious of the eternal Hindu shrines of Kedarnath , Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri. Badrinath is located in the lap of Nar-Narayan Parvat, with the picturesque Neelkanth peak in the background.

Hari OM - Shri Hari Vishnu - Badrinath

3 - Benaras or Varanasi
Also known as Varanasi, Benaras is the most visited pilgrimage in all of India. One of the seven holy cities, it is the most favored place for Hindus to die and be cremated. A bath in the holy waters of the Ganges is believed to wash away the sins of a person.
Hri "OM" - Banaras - Varanasi ke Ghat

4- Dwarka
Dwarka, on the west coast of Gujarat on the shores of the Arabian Sea, features in most of the legends surrounding Lord Krishna. It is from here that Lord Krishna is supposed to have ruled over his kingdom. Dwarka is a significant pilgrimage site for the Hindus.

Kanhaa ki Nagri - Dwarka - Jai Dwarkadhesh

5 - Gangotri
Couched in the magnificent Garhwal hills, Gangotri is at an altitude of 3048 meters above sea level. It is on the northernmost part of the state of Uttaranchal and is located close to the Indo-Tibetan border. Gangotri is believed to be the place where Goddess Ganges descended from the heavens.

Jai ma Gange "Gaumukh - Gangotri"

6 - Golden Temple
The Golden Temple or Harmandir Sahib, located in Amritsar in the state of Punjab is the most sacred shrine of Sikhism. Considered to be a symbol of freedom and spiritual independence, devotees come to the temple from all over the world to enjoy the serene environs and offer their prayers.

Jo Bole So nihal , sat sri akal - Golden Temple - Amritsar

7 - Haridwar

Haridwar is a holy Hindu city located in the state of Uttaranchal in Northern India. Haridwar, according to Hindu mythology, is one of the four places where the drops of the elixir of immortality, Amrita accidentally spilled over from the pitcher in which it was being carried away by the celestial bird Garuda, the vehicle of Vishnu.

Har ki Podi - Haridwar

8 - Kedarnath
The most remote of the four sites, Kedarnath is located in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, about 3584m above sea level. Kedarnath is the abode of one of the holiest Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and is a popular destination for Hindu pilgrims from all over the world.

Bam Bam Bhole "Shri Kedarnath Temple"

9 - Kanya Kumari
Kanyakumari is the southernmost point of peninsular India and the meeting point of three oceans-the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Besides its importance as a Hindu pilgrim center, it is famous for its beautiful views of sunrise and sunset over the waters.

Vivekananda Smaraka - Kanyakumari

10 - Kanchipuram
Situated in the southern part of India, Kanchipuram is famed for the beautiful Ekambareswara Temple. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the temple was constructed in the mid of 9th century by the Pallavas. It has a 200 ft gopuram with more than 10 stories of intricate sculpture.

Kanchipuram Temple of Ekambreswara

11 - Puri
Situated in the east Indian state of Orissa, Puri is one of the oldest cities in India. The city is famous for its Jagannath Temple as also a popular beach resort. The temple was built in the late eleventh century.

Jagannath Temple in Puri - Oddisa

12 - Rishikesh
Rishikesh is a holy city for Hindus located in the foothills of the Himalaya in northern India. It is also known as the gateway to Himalayas and is considered an access point for the cities of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri, together known as the Char Dham. Rishikesh also translates to mean - The land of the Rishis (Saints).

Lakshman Zhoola in Rishikesh

13 - Ujjain
Ujjain is an ancient city of central India, located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, and the Kumbh Mela religious festival is held there every twelve years. It is also home to Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga, one of the twelve Jyotirlinga shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Mahakaal & Chipra river in Ujjain

14 - Vrindavan
Vrindavan in the state of Uttar Pradesh is the place where Lord Krishna spent the days of his youth, thousands of years ago. The city, visited by thousands of devotees is famous for its numerous beautiful temples and ghats built on the banks of river Yamuna.

Birla Temple - Mathura Vrindavan

15 - Yamunotri
One of the Char Dhams according to Hindu mythology, Yamunotri is the origin place of the sacred river Yamuna. Famous for its thermal springs and glaciers, it is one of the most important stopovers on the itinerary of the Hindu pilgrim. According to a legend, Asit Muni, a revered sage, used to reside here.

Yamunotri a sacred River in Hindu Religion


16 - Bandhavgrah National Park
This is a small National Park, compact, yet full of game. The density of the Tiger population at Bandhavgarh is the highest known in India. This is also White Tiger country. These have been found in the old state of Rewa for many years.

17 - Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary
One of the finest bird parks in the world, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary (Keoladeo Ghana National Park), is located in the state of Rajasthan. The park is said to house over 400 species of birds, including a number of rare migratory birds which arrive here during the winter season.

Woodcutter "Katfodwa" in Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

18 - Corbett National Park
Located in the foothills of the Himalayas in the state of Uttaranchal is the majestic Corbett National Park. Home to a variety of flora and fauna, it is most famous for its wild population of , Leopards and .

Tiger with Prey in Crobett National Park - Himalayan Valley

19 - Dandeli Wildlife Scantuary
The calm and peaceful Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is reputed to be the largest wildlife sanctuary in Karnataka. Housing some of the rarest animal and bird species, it is an unspoilt, untouched and unexplored treasure of wildlife that is sure to leave you spellbound.

20 - Kanha National Park
Located in the Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, Kanha national park cum Tiger reserve extends over an area of over 1,940-sq-kms. Besides being home to the tiger, the other major feature of the region is the horseshoe shape valley and the large open areas infested by spurs of Mekal.

21 - Melghat Tiger Reserve
A prime habitat of the striped predator, Melghat Tiger Reserve is located on southern offshoot of the Satpura Hill Range in Central India, also known as Gavilgarh hills. The high ridge running East-West forms the South Western boundary of the Reserve.

22 - National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary
The National Chambal Sanctuary, founded in 1979 is famous for the rare gangetic dolphin. The sanctuary is part of a large area co-administered by Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh with its other residents being the magar (crocodile) and gharial (alligator), chinkara, sambar, nilgai, wolf and wild boar.

Deer's looking in Chambal Wildlife park

23 - Periyar National Park
Periyar or Thekkady is a protected area, and a Project Tiger nature reserve in the South Indian State of Kerala. Amongst the wild residents of the park are over 62 mammal and and 320 bird species.

Elephants in Periyaar Wildlife National Park - Kerala

24 - Ranthambore National Park
The former hunting ground of the Maharajas of Jaipur, the Ranthambore National Park is situated in Eastern Rajasthan at the confluence of the Aravali hill ranges and the Vindhyan plateau. The park is known for its population of tigers and leopards.

Deer's in Ranthambore National Park - Rajasthan

25 - Sariska Wilflife Sanctuary
Situated in Rajasthan, the landscape of Sariska is dominated by sharp cliffs of hills and narrow valleys of the Aravallis. Besides the numerous animal and bird species, within the wildlife sanctuary are the ruins of medieval temples of Garh-Rajor, belonging to the 10th and 11th centuries.

Deer in Sariska National Park - Rajasthan

26 - The LittleRann of Kutch Sanctuary
The Little Rann of Kutch Sanctuary also known as Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary in the state of Gujarat is the largest wildlife sanctuary in India. The sanctuary is one of the last places on earth where the endangered wild ass sub-species Khur (Equus hemionus khur) belonging to species Onager (Equus hemionus) can be spotted.

Donkey "ASS" in Rann of Kutch

27 - Van Vihar National Park
Van Vihar National Park in Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, spans over an area of about 445 hectares. Although it has the status of a national park, Van Vihar is developed and managed as a modern zoological park, following the guidelines of the Central Zoo Authority.

Van Vihar National Park - Bhopal


28 - Arunachal Pradesh
The 'Treasure trove of Nature', Arunachal Pradesh is a picturesque state in India. Famous for its varied landscape, the state is a heaven for nature lovers and adventure sports enthusiasts. Some of the opportunities available are trekking, mountain climbing, camping and mountain biking.

Arunachal Pradesh beautiful

29 - Auli
Auli in Uttaranchal is one of the major tourist destinations, famous for its beautiful slopes covered with oak and coniferous trees. The miles of white snow laden mountain slopes make Auli every skier's dream come true.

Auli , a beautiful hill station in Uttranchal

30 - Billing
Sheltered by gigantic mountains and surrounded by lush tea gardens, Billing a small village with a Tibetan Colony and monasteries in Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh. The place has long served as a landing ground and a base for Hang and Para gliders.

Billing a small village in Tibet

31 - Cauvery
The Cauvery Fishing Camp, situated on the banks of the River Cauvery, has Surroundings ideal for an eco-tour. Dry deciduous forests dominate the vegetation. The picturesque and the tranquil location make the Cauvery Fishing Camp an unforgettable experience.

Cauvery River in Southern India

32 - Dodital
Situated at an altitude of 3024 mts above sea level, Dodital, in Uttaranchal is famous for its crystal-clear lake, that make it a perfect spot for those enjoy the sport of trout fishing. The place also offers exciting opportunities for trekking and mountain climbing.

Dodital in Uttaranchal

33 - Gulmarg
Gulmarg, which means the "Meadow of Flowers," was discovered as a tourist destination by the British during the 19th century. The place with its varied landscape and snow covered mountain slopes makes an ideal base for adventure sports like trekking and snow skiing.

Gulmarg Kashmir

34 - Leh
Famous for its barren beauty and Buddhist monasteries, Leh is a wonderful destination for adventure sports lovers. The town offers some magnificent trekking trails as also exciting opportunities for jeep safari.


35 - Manali
Manali is a place of immense natural beauty, situated in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The place has recently shot to fame as a most favored spot for adventure sports enthusiasts with exciting opportunities of trekking, snow skiing and mountain climbing.

Hidimba Temple Manali

36 - Zanskar
The adventure destination of Zanskar is an isolated and scantily inhabited Himalayan Valleys. Dotted with high hills and gorgeous gompas, Zanskar offers fun filled opportunities of river rafting and trekking.

Zansker Valley


37 - Beypore
Situated at the mouth of the Cheliyar river in Kerala, Beypore beach is an ideal heaven to provide a welcome break to your jaded urbanised souls. The clean waters of the beach are ideal for practicing such sports as swimming, para sailing ans sea surfing.

Beypore Beach in Kerala

38 - Bogmalo
A former fishing village in the state of Goa, Bogmalo beach sports a mixture of serenity and commercialism, splashed with simple beauty where one can happily lose oneself. The beach is known for its immense natural beauty.

Bogmalo Sports Beach in Goa

39 - Calangute
One of Goa's busiest and most commercialised beaches, Calangute is a serene fishing village which became a favourite hideout of the hippies in the 70's and 80's. Today, Calangute beach symbolise Goa's reputation as a haven for beach and coastal splendour.

Calangute Beach - Famous for busiest beach in Goa with Local and Foreign people

40 - Dona Paula
Situated in Goa, the beach is named after Dona Paula de Menzes, the daughter of a former Indian viceroy. The beach is known for its numerous exciting water sports opportunities.

Dona Paula Beach - Fmous for Beach Sports in Goa

41 - Juhu
Juhu Beach is the most famous beach in Mumbai city. It is situated on the shores of Arabian Sea in Juhu suburb and famous for its Mumbai 'street food', notably bhelpuri, pani puri, shevpuri, chaats, and of course pav bhaji.

Most famous beach in India - Heart of Bollywood - JUHU Beach - Busy with fun 24x7

42 - Kovalam
On the Malabar coast along the Kerala shore line is a small village known as Kovalam. This sleepy town suddenly came on the tourist map when its fabulous beaches were discovered and has today become one of the most popular beach hangouts in India.

Light House at most famous Kovalam Beach in Kerala

43 - Varkala
Varkala beach, is the best spot along the coast of Kerala for watching the sunset. The sight of the sun melting into the sea would blossom your poetic sense. The mineral springs gushing from the hill is believed to have medicinal properties.

Quite to relax meditation beach Varkala in Kerala


44 - Agra Fort
Built by the great Emperor Akbar in 1565 A.D. the fort is a masterpiece of design and construction. Within the fort are a number of exquisite buildings including the Musamman Burj, where Emperor Shah Jahan died in imprisonment.

Agra Quila - Agra

45 - Amber Fort, Jaipur
The magnificent Amer Fort was built by Raja Man Singh. The major attractions are Sheela Devi Temple and Sheesh Mahal ( Hall of mirrors). The museum here houses one of the world`s biggest cannon on wheels and a rich collection of arms and weapons.
Amber ka Quila - Jaipur - Rajasthan

46 - City Palace, Jaipur
The historic City Palace has carved arches supported by grey-white marble columns studded with floral motifs in gold and coloured stones. Two elephants carved in marble guard the entrance, where retainers whose families have served generations of the rulers are at hand, to serve as guides.

City Palace - Jaipur - Rajasthan

47 - Hawa Mahal, Jaipur
Hawa Mahal is the most strikingly designed monument in Jaipur. The five storeyed crown shaped structure was conceived to provide an adequate vantage position behind delicate stone-carved screens for the palace women to watch the royal processions passing through the Bazar below.

Hawa Mahal - Jaipur Rajasthan

48 - Jaisalmer Fort
The golden hued fort is a sentinel to the bleak desertscape from its 80 metre high perch on the hill, housing the entire township within its ramparts. It has an enchanting cow-web of narrow lanes dotted with some lovely havelis, three beautifully sculptured Jain Temples and five interconnected palaces. The fort is approached through four towering gateways.

Jaiselmer Fort - Jaiselmer Rajasthan

49 - Lake Palace, Udaipur
In the middle of lake Pichhola is the Lake palace or Jag Mandir where prince Khuman Singh, later known as emperor Shahjahan who built the world famous Taj Mahal, sought refuse from his father emperor Jahangir. This three story building was completed by Maharana Jagat Singh in 1652 A.D.

Lake Palace - Udaipur - Rajasthan

50 - Lalgarh Palace, Bikaner
Located 3 km north of the city centre, the red sandstone palace was built by Maharaja Ganga Singh in memory of his father Maharaja Lal Singh. The palace has beautiful latticework and filigree work. Part of the palace has been converted into a luxury hotel and a museum.

Lalgarh Palace - Bikaner - Rajasthan

51 - Red Fort, Delhi
One of the most spectacular pieces of Mughal Architecture is the Lal Quila or the Red Fort. Built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, it has walls extending up to 2 kms. in length with the height varying from 18 mts. on the river side to 33 mts. on the city side...a truly amazing construction.

Laal Quila - Red Fort - Delhi, India

52 - Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur
Built during the 20th century to provide work to the famine struck people, Umaid Bhawan is one of the largest private residence in the world. A part of the palace is used as residence by the royal family while the other part has been converted into a heritage hotel.

Most Expensive hotel in India - Umaid Bhawan Palace - Jodhpur - Rajasthan, India



53 - Dalhousie
Located in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, Dalhousie is one of the most popular hill stations and a honey mooner's paradise. The place offers numerous exciting adventure sports opportunities including snow sports during winters.

Dalhouie Winter - Himachal Pradesh

54 - Darjeeling
Originally just a cluster of villages that was administered intermittently by Nepal and Sikkim, Darjeeling grew in prominence when the British discovered the suitability of the area for growing tea. The town was subsequently annexed by the British Indian Empire and a small railway was constructed linking the town with the lowlands.

Tea plantation in Darjeeling - Sikkim,

55 - Dehradun
Besides being a popular hill station in India, Dehradun is also home to the famed schools of the order of Doon School and Welhams as elite centers of learning in India. Apart from being a much sought after hill station in India, they qualify Doon valley to be a star class educational center.

Dehradun Railway Station - Dehradun - Uttaranchal

56 - Dharamsala
Set against the backdrop of the dramatic Dhauladhar mountains, Dharamsala is perched on the high slopes in the upper reaches of Kangra Valley. Today, Dharamsala has become the synonymous to the Tibetan government in exile and the home of Tibetan leader Dalai Lama.

Beautiful Dharamsala

57 - Gangtok
Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim with a population of approximately 50,000 has emerged into the mainstream of the Tourism Industry, with more and more tourist visiting this little Himalayan state every year. Gangtok has developed into a cosmopolitan flavour where old-world charm and hospitality exist along with the Internet Age.

Colorful Town of Gangtok

58 - Kasauli
Kasauli is a beautiful hill station located just 77 kms from Shimla in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The small town was founded during the 19th century by Britishers as a summer retreat and still retains the old charm, which attracts thousands of visitors every year.

Quite and beautiful - Kasauli , Himachal Pradesh

59 - Khandala
Khandala is a hill station, which dazzles the visitors with its spectacular scenery, verdant hills, deep green valleys, beautiful lakes and cascading waterfall. Situated at an altitude of 625 mt in the Sahyadri hills, this hill resort is a popular weekend gateway from the hectic life of Mumbai.

Train Entering Tunnel in Khandala - Maharashtra

60 - Kodaikanal
Situated at an altitude of 2133 mts amidst the verdant Pali hills, Kodaikanal is one of the most popular hill stations in India. With her wooded slopes, mighty rocks, enhancing waterfalls and a beautiful lake, Kodaikanal is a charming hill station, and one of the favourite getaways in South India.

Beautiful Lake of Kodaikanal

61 - Kullu
The serene little town of Kullu is famous for its colourful Dussehra festival. Decorated palanquins and processions convey Gods and Goddesses from temples all over the valley to Kullu. A Fair springs up during the festival which is celebrated with a great deal of singing, dancing and festivity.

62 - Khajjiar
A small picturesque saucer-shaped plateau surrounded by dense pine and deodar forests is one of the 160 places throughout the world to have been designated “Mini Switzerland". Khajjiar is a place of immense natural beauty, situated in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

Mini Switzerland in India - Khajjar

63 - Mahabaleshwar
At 1,372 meters above sea level, Mahabaleshwar is one of the most spectacular and the largest of Maharashtra's hill-stations. The place is known for its immense natural beauty as also a popular getaway from the hectic city lives.

Sunset Point - Mahabaleshwar

64 - Manali
Manali is a picturesque city situated in the Kullu valley. The place remains thronged by visitors, especially during the winters for its charming snow sports. Some of the major attractions of this hill resort are Rohtang Pass, Rahala waterfalls and numerous Buddhist monasteries.

Beautiful Manali

65 - Mount Abu
Mount Abu was founded by the British as a relaxation place to rewind along with the royalties. The place sways in an interesting contrast of British style bungalows, the holiday lodges of the royals, with the presence of the various tribal communities.

Cool Mount Abu

66 - Munnar
Munnar is situated at the confluence of three mountain streams - Mudrapuzha, Nallathani & Kundala. This once summer resort of the erstwhile British Government in South India, Munnar is known for its sprawling tea plantations, picture book towns, winding lanes and holiday facilities that make it a popular resort town.

Mystical Munnar with Tea plantation

67 - Mussoorie
Mussoorie, with its green hills and varied flora & fauna, is a fascinating hill resort. Commanding snow ranges to the north-east, and glittering views of the Doon Valley & Shiwalik ranges in the south, the town presents a fairyland atmosphere to the tourists.

Raods of Mussoorie

68 - Nainital
The hill resort of Nainital has since long been a refuge for the sun scorched souls of the plains. The British made it there summer headquarter. The natural beauty and especially the Lake has made Nainital one of the favourite summer destinations and a reason why people throng this hill resort.

Lake Nanital - Romantic Place

69 - Ooty
The serene hill station of Ooty draws swarms of tourists every year. The weather is quite pleasant at a mean of 15-20 C year round, dropping to lows of 0 C during winter. The landscape is marked by rolling hills covered with dense vegetation, smaller hills and plateaus covered with tea gardens, and eucalyptus trees.

Green Garden of Ooty

70 - Simla / Shimla
Shimla or Simla is the capital of the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is a very popular holiday-retreat during the summer months and is well-known for its Victorian architecture, which is reflected in certain areas of the Mall and The Ridge.

Winter in Shimla - Best time to ski in India

71 - Srinagar
Located in the center of the Kashmir valley, the district of Srinagar towers at a height of 1,730 m above sea level. The city is well known for its lush gardens and the Dal Lake, where the tourists can enjoy a shikara (house boat) ride.

Shikara in Dal Lake - Srinagar




72 - Agra
Situated in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Agra houses the most magnificent monument of love on the planet, the Taj Mahal. Besides, there are other historical structures as well as the famous Mughlai cuisine.

Parchooniya (Spice Vendor) in Old Agra Market

73 - Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad is the sixth largest city of India and the commercial hub of the state of Gujarat. The city is certainly worth a visit for people who like to be away from hectic activity while relishing on the few available tourist attractions.

Ahmedabad on the bank of sabarmati

74 - Ajmer
Ajmer is a little town situated in the northern state of Rajasthan. Famous for its religious attractions, the chief objects of interest in Ajmer are Pushkar, and the Dargah (tomb) of the most revered Muslim sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti, the Gharib Nawaz.

Ajmer City

75 - Allahabad
Located at the Sangam (confluence) of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati, Allahabad is one of the oldest cities of India and a pilgrimage centre of utmost importance, also famous for the Kumbh and Ardh Kumbh Melas held every twelve and six years respectively.

Kumbh Mela - snaan in Allahbad

76 - Alleppey
This fairly pleasant market town is built on canals and surrounded by coconut trees. With the Arabian Sea on its west and a vast network of lakes, lagoons and several freshwater rivers criss-crossing it, Alleppey (Alappuzha) is a district of immense natural beauty.

The canal running through Alleppey city

77 - Amritsar
Amritsar is the spiritual capital of the Sikh religion. The city houses the holiest place for the Sikhs, the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple). The people are nice and friendly and it is great to sit for a few hours in the shade of the temple and relax.

78 - Bangalore
Bangalore, officially known as Bengalooru, is one of the most hip and happening cities in India and also a major center of the I.T. industry. Some of the major landmarks of the city are Vidhan Soudha, Bangalore Palace, Bull Temple and Cubbon Park.

79 - Bikaner
Lying in the north of Rajasthan state, Bikaner is dotted with scores of sand dunes. The city beautifully retains the medieval grandeur that permeates the city's lifestyle. The city is distinguished for the best riding camels in the world and hence boasts of having one of the largest Camel research and breeding farm in the world.

80 - Bodh Gaya
In the state of Bihar, Bodh Gaya is the place where Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment and thus laid the foundations of Buddhism. Amongst the prominent attractions of the place are the Bodhi tree and the Mahabodhi temple.

81 - Bhopal
Bhopal, the city of lakes, is a fascinating amalgam of scenic beauty, old historic city and modern urban planning. The capital of Madhya Pradesh, the city with its lush gardens, excellent upper and lower lakes and a beautiful pink mosque, is definitely worth spending some time.

82 - Chandigarh
Situated 270 km north of Delhi, Chandigarh is a serene city lying in the valley surrounded by Shiwalik Hills that hem the great Himalayas. Besides its numerous tourist attractions, Chandigarh also serves as an access point for the hill resorts of Kulu, Manali, Dharmashala and Dalhousie.

83 - Chennai / Madras
Chennai, also known as Madras, is the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu. The city was one of the first outposts of British East India Company and is known for its numerous beautiful colonial structures.

84 - Delhi
A city of great character, of contrasts and convolutions, Delhi is the capital of India. A city with antiquity dating back over 2,000 years, it is also a modern metropolis with fast cars and neon lit shopping malls. So varied are the shades of Delhi's different faces, it is difficult to grasp it in a short span of time.

85 - Goa
Goa is often sobriquet the 'Beach Capital of India', however, there's much more to it than sun, sand and psychedelia. The allure of Goa is that it remains quite distinct from the rest of India and is small enough to be grasped and explored in a way that other Indian states are not.

86 - Gangtok
Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim with a population of approximately 50,000 has emerged into the mainstream of the Tourism Industry, with more and more tourist visiting this little Himalayan state every year. Gangtok has developed into a cosmopolitan flavour where old-world charm and hospitality exist along with the Internet Age.

87 - Hyderabad
The capital of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is a big, lively and traditional city, which offers travellers fascinating glimpses of a four hundred years old legacy. Also known as the Istanbul of India, here, in every corner of the city, you will see its dualistic character, the coming together of Muslims and Hindus.

88 - Jaipur
Jaipur, the largest city in Rajasthan, offers several massive forts such as the Hawa Mahal and the Amber Fort. Besides, the city also serves as a stepping stone to the enchanting desert cities of Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. Jaipur is called the "pink" city because of the color of its historical buildings built by Maharajah Jai Singh.

89 - Jaisalmer
The city of Jaisalmer shimmers like a mirage amidst the desolate beauty of the hot barren deserts of Rajasthan. The Jaisalmer Fort, perched atop the triangular-shaped Trikuta Hills, contains some gems of Jain temple buildings, while beautifully decorated havelis are scattered throughout the town. The city is also famous for its beautiful embroidery.

--> 90 - Jammu
Jammu is situated at the footsteps of the Himalayas. The city is also known as the City of Temples for its numerous temples built around the city and also in the province. The immense natural beauty of the surroundings also make it a favored spot for nature lovers.

91 - Jodhpur
Situated in Rajasthan, Jodhpur is mainly known for its impressive Mehrangarh Fort, located on top of a hill, from where a panoramic view of the surroundings can be had. There are other numerous opportunities for sightseeing and camel safari into the desert.

92 - Kanpur
Kanpur, the industrial centre of Uttar Pradesh, is known for its cotton and woollen textile industries as well as the Indian Institute of Technology, one of the premier educational institutes in the country. The city also boasts of numerous tourist attractions.

93 - Khajuraho
Situated in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Khajuraho is a small village, known the world over for its temple architecture and exquisitely carved rotic sculptures. The annual fair held here is a popular attraction for the tourists.

94 - Kolkata / Culcutta
Called Calcutta in British times, Kolkata still conjures up images of squalor,poverty and urban disaster. But don't believe the hype, for India's third-largest city is defined not by its poverty but by the energy, imagination and zest for life of its people.

95 - Lucknow
Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh is a city of Nawabs and friendly people. The city is best known for its elaborate cuisine and 'chikankaari' or exquisite shadow work embroidery on fine muslin cloth.

96 - Mumbai / Bombay
Mumbai is charactersied by the glamour of Bollywood cinema, shopping malls full of designer labels, cricket on the streets and promenading families eating bhelpuri on the beach at Chowpatty. Some of the famous tourist attractions of the city are the Gateway of India, Marine Drive and Elephanta Caves.

97 - Pune
Pune is a historic city with a past of nearly 600 years, both illustrious and romantic. Fast emerging as a metropolitan of Maharashtra state, some of the most important tourist attractions in Pune are the Aga Khan's Palace, Appu Ghar, Bund Garden and Osho Commune.

98 - Pushkar
According to the Padma (Lotus) Purana, Pushkar, 15km northwest of ajmer, came into existence when Lord Brahma, the Creator, dropped his lotus flower (pushpa) to earth from his hand (kar) to kill a demon. Pushkar remains a holy Hindu city as also the site for the only Brahma temple in the world.

99 - Shirdi
Situated in Maharashtra, Shirdi is famous for saint Saibaba. A special aarti is performed at the Saibaba temple every Thursday, which is attended by numerous devotees. Other places of tourist interest are Gurusthan, Khandoba Temple, Shani Mandir and Sakori Ashram.

100 - Surat
Surat is an industrial town, situated in the west Indian state of Gujarat. Surat is the main textile market of India as also the centre of various multinational companies involved in the field of petrochemicals, steel and cement.

101 - Udaipur
One of the most romantic cities in Rajasthan, Udaipur is also known as the city of lakes. The marble palaces, beautifully laid out gardens and the lakes make Udaipur seem almost like a mirage. Surrounded by ancient Aravali Mountains and set on the edge of three lakes, Udaipur is a brilliant kaleidoscope of narrow lanes flanked by bright stalls, gardens, lakes, palaces and temples.